Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Being a grown-up and having a blizzard is not nearly as much fun as it is when you're younger. Even when we had the '03 blizzard it was fun because I didn't have to worry about anything. I was sort of over my job at the time, had friends around me and plenty of good junk food. I didn't mind that my car completely disappeared amongst the 32" of wet spring snow and I wasn't worried about trying to get my car un-stuck and and then driving on treacherous roads. I didn't worry about not having candles or flashlights or not having heat. I didn't worry that I'd run out of cat food or Diet Dr. Pepper. I was carefree and in it for the fun; much more childlike than I am this go-round.

The city (much of the state actually) woke up this morning to a much larger storm than I think anyone actually expected. It was predicted, we knew it was coming, but did we really *know* what it meant? This storm is a monster. It's churning counter-clockwise like a hurricane fueled by a ferocious 40-45 MPH Northerly wind. Constantly hitting the mountains and dumping on the I-25 corridor and the front range. It's blisteringly cold and the snow won't stop.

I talked to my boss at 8:30 this morning who instructed me to just work from home until further notice. We were supposed to have a show opening this evening and while initially we thought that the "show must go on" that all changed when the Governor declared a state of emergency. All four shows scheduled for this evening were cancelled: a feat that nobody remembers ever really happening before. I spent the day on my laptop worrrying about losing electicity, whether or not the roof on my house would stand the pressure of the snow and attempting to keep my sidewalk clear by shoveling every half an hour to an hour. Not exactly my idea of fun.

The snow is expected to continue falling at a rate of 1"-2" per hour until noon tomorrow. I don't see how it's at all possible that we'll be getting out and onto the roads in the morning. I think for now I'll go snuggle in for a long winter's nap and hope to stop dreaming of a "White Christmas;" I think that's a done deal at this point.

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