Friday, November 24, 2006



So, Thanksgiving is over and the craziness of Christmas ensues. I turned on the radio this morning and my ears were met with the onslaught of Christmas music. It seems unbelievable to me that it's "that time of year" again. I managed to avoid "Black Friday" shopping, which I'm not sure is a good thing; there are some major deals to be had on this sacred day, capitalism at its finest. Unfortunately, my shopping budget doesn't allow me to buy plasma TV's, even if they are discounted by $1,000.

Despite my general distaste for the holidays I actually enjoy the shopping part. I like buying things for other people and I LOVE writing Christmas cards...though in past year's they've become more like New Year's cards. I had grand plans for this weekend: I was going to make my list, check it twice, and then at least get a headstart by shopping online, from the comfort of my living room. That hasn't so much happened yet, but I guess technically I do have two more days. My shopping generally starts on December 23, but this year I'm determined to be done by then. I guess I'd consider myself successful if I manage to send my niece's gifts before August---which is how long it took me this year. If I pull that kind of crap when she's old enough to "get it" she's going to think her aunt's a bigger slacker than her uncle....and that is saying something.

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