Saturday, November 25, 2006



Every now and then I get into this irrationally pensive mood. One where I feel like I'm on the verge of tears and I can't quite get out of my head. Tonight's one of those nights. I'm not particularly sad, or depressed, and nothing is specifically bothering me, though I'm sure it doesn't help that I don't feel that great either. I'm sort of stuck in this strange head-space, where I can't stop thinking about all the things I wish I had in my life and all the things I do have that I wish I didn't. I'm uncomfortable, slightly bored, jittery, edgy, nostalgic and lonely. This is generally the kind of night where I'd turn off the computer, wrap myself in a blanket and watch The American President or back-to-back-to-back episodes of "The West Wing" in the dark of my living room with a glass of wine, but even that doesn't sound appealing. I'm not tired due to my power nap when I got home from work, don't feel like cleaning or starting that online Christmas shopping. I've been reading and listening to depressing music for the last hour and that's getting old now, too. I'm just generally inconsolable and I sure hope this passes soon, because I can hardly stand to be around myself.

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