Sunday, September 24, 2006



I don't like being barefoot. Even when lounging around the house I prefer to have something on my feet. In the summer that means flip flops and in the winter that means slippers. The one point in the day that I find my feet uncovered is in the morning when I'm in the bathroom getting ready for the day. I meander back and forth from my closet to the mirror, to the shower, to the mirror, etc. all with naked feet.

Tonight, when I got home from work, I walked into the bathroom to take out my contacts and flipped the light switch only to have a bulb blow out. There are three different lights in my bathroom, so I didn't need to change the bulb right away as it is still well lit, but I decided to just do it and be done with it. I grabbed the step stool and a new bulb only to find that I was about half an inch short to be able to reach the fixture. I refused to believe that I couldn't do this without a ladder and in my haste managed to drop the new bulb on the floor, where it broke...of course. I swept the floor, but I just know that tomorrow morning (or afternoon) I'm going to wander into the bathroom to get ready, sans slippers, and inevitably my bare foot will find the only stray piece of glass left. I've already got the tweezers and band-aid ready.

Ok, here's my advice for that...I broke a bulb on my kitchen countertop and it shattered everywhere in a million tiny pieces and I , too, was afraid I'd be slicing myself. So, I wet the entire area (I used 409 or whatever, but I'm sure water works, too.) and then take paper towels to wipe up the entire area. And if you can't get every little piece push the remains into an area you won't be stepping behind the toilet or under your shelf. I also like to push my left over pieces under the kitchen cabinets...then, once it's all dry you vaccum that one little area like hell. It eliminates unseen pieces and puts them all in one area...I'm telling you- paper towels are the way to go!
Great tip! I will try that as I frenetically clean today! THANKS!
oh good tip! i wish i would have known about that when i broke one of my favorite glasses. sadness.
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