Tuesday, September 19, 2006



I'm naturally a morning person. I think if I had a regular schedule and all I'd probably get up relatively early in the morning and putz around the house before heading to the 'Plex to put in a long day at the office, and then cutting out of there at 5:00 on the nose. However, because I have an erratic schedule which requires me to work at any point between the hours of say 7:00 am and 3:00 am I've turned into quite the night owl.

Last week I had a minor bout of insomnia. While it would be easy for me to say that this was the direct result of my current fixation with My Space, and my inability to put myself to sleep at a decent hour, it truthfully was more about an actual inability to sleep. I'd go to bed completely weary and be unable to rest my brain enough to go to sleep and instead tossed and turned for hours before finally settling down. There was nothing out of the ordinary that was bothering me even, just the usual drama and comedy, and so as the week wore on I became more and more frustrated; not to mention more and more exhausted.

The streak seemed to have broken on Friday night and Saturday and by Sunday morning I was out of bed by 8:30 (which I can't even seem to do when I have to go to work). I slept great Sunday night and then last night was out late, up late and in bed late--all the makings of a bad Tuesday. I struggled to get myself out of bed this morning and found myself being drowsy at work (honestly a rare occurrence). And now, it's 9:30 a good hour before I'd normally even consider hitting the hay and yet here I go. Hopefully I can turn off my brain enough to actually get some rest and do it all over again tomorrow.

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