Monday, August 28, 2006



I am very lucky. I live only about two miles from work. I timed it once and it actually takes me longer to walk to my building and get to my desk than it does to actually drive to work. I am grateful for the brevity of my commute, for sure.

A few blocks from my house is a high school and because of that there are big signs on all the adjacent corners that disallow right turns on red lights during school hours, 7--3, except on weekends and school holidays. I was able to cruise down the block and make a quick right turn without issue for the last three months, but this morning when I approached the corner to make the turn into downtown I was greeted by a line of no less than 15 cars waiting for the light to change to green. Now, this delay was probably, at most, about two minutes, but I still found it frustrating. Even more frustrating: when you find yourself at the front of that line of cars and have to endure the inevitable honking that comes at you when you don't violate the sign and make the illegal turn.

School is definitely back in session and I might even hate the kids going back to school more than they hate it themselves.

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