Thursday, August 10, 2006


Target: America Really?

Okay, so I realize that this whole thwarted terror attack is a big deal and I completely respect the Brits for having foiled the "bad guys." I certainly don't want any innocent people to get hurt because of a few fanatical thinking crazies, but seriously folks this whole "no liquid on planes" thing, it's bogus and reactionary.

Earlier today I was reading an AP story on a website, I'm not sure which one. There was a terrorism expert quoted as saying something to the effect of "I've been warning U.S. officials of the danger of liquid explosives for more than ten years." Ten years? Ten YEARS? Seriously? And, just today they decide that liquids have to be banned? Whatever. That in and of itself is disturbing to me; I mean, seriously, could the United States BE a little more reactionary? God forbid we think things through or come up with proactive solutions or plans to deal with potential problems.

Another thing about this whole thing that's really bothering me is the non-stop news coverage of this event. I realize that this is big news, and I realize that and I'm a news-whore so I "enjoy" it to some extent, but seriously folks: the American media is trying to absolutely freak us out. I'm being reminded of several different scenes for Bowling for Columbine here. Americans are "better" when they are scared...or so we're led to believe.

Also, it appears to me that our "fearless" Commander-In-Chief would have us all believe that he played an integral role in "thwarting" this attack. HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! He was just briefed by Prime Minister Blair over the weekend and had no idea this was even going on. Additionally, the man is seriously lacking in public speaking skills, he stumbles over words and has a hard time enunciating properly, let along pronouncing many words. Watching him speak after stepping down the stairs of Air Force One and addressing the press corp on the tarmac today reminded me of a quote from another movie, "We have had Presidents who have been beloved who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight..." (Do you see why I love Aaron Sorkin?); I'm certainly not saying that he's "beloved" but I think that sentiment fits here.

I've been watching cable news for the last two and a half hours and just switched over to network news about ten minutes ago. When I turned on "Primetime Live" the title of tonight's show is "Target: America." Really? Target: America? Is that really the best definition for a plan that was planned to take place in Great Britain, where more than 20 British citizens were arrested in connection with this incident? True the flights were destined for the United States, which means that the flights would no doubt contain American citizens, but is it not possible that those same flights would be carrying French or German passengers, Japanese or Indonesian passengers, Israeli's or Lebanese citizens? London's Heathrow airport is the busiest in the world, it's a major hub for numerous international air carriers, seems to me that this planned attack should be categorized more like "Target: Innocent People", but perhaps that's just me.

The bottom line: Yes, flying without my lip balm, contact solution and lotion is going to suck, not to mention the fact that I can't have a bottle of water, but no, I'm not scared to fly, I refuse to let these crazy-fanatical-dumbass-cowards control my life. I'd encourage you to do the same, and I pose to you this question: who really are the crazy-fanatical-dumbass-cowards, and do the U.S. government and American corporate media fall into that category?

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