Monday, August 21, 2006


Jet Set

So, as if my four day jaunt/drinking binge in Spokane weren't enough, tomorrow I'm off to New York for a mere 48 hours. I was going to be there for three days, but in the end decided that two would be enough to get in my "fix" of shows (I'm SO behind!). It seems like an awfully long way to travel for that short of a stay, but Pam's out of town and Talia's working a show right now, so I won't be able to see either of them that much, so two days and three shows--maybe a movie for good measure--will be perfect! I'm excited about going, but the flip side is: what the hell was I thinking trying to do two trips back to back? This is insane, not to mention the fact that my poor cats are going to be so lonely. :)

Back to reunion chatter, as promised: I really don't know when the last time I had that much fun was. At the risk of utter, unadulterated embarassment I'll give you, my three readers, a moderately abridged version of the weekend.

I got in on Friday morning about 9:30 where I was greeted with open arms by my dear friend, Monica. I was exhausted from sleeping just two hours that night, but managed to stay up for a couple hours, only after hitting the Zip's drive-thru at 10:30 am for my tartar fix. Damn, I miss that stuff--it's a regular craving. A quick ride on the gondola over the river (which I don't think I've ever done before) and I was tucked-in safely at the hotel for my nap by 1:00 pm.

Friday night was the informal gathering at a bar, Fizzie's, which is located directly across the street from my high school. Weird. But, probably weirder for me than most since I've only been back to Spokane now twice since we graduated ten years ago. Anyway. Everyone was there, including people who didn't sign up for the "official reunion" which was nice. I really enjoyed getting to see everyone, people who I didn't even realize I'd want to see, or thought I'd get to see. It was wonderful. The vodka was flowing freely and thus my two day drinking binge had begun. At around 11, or so (was it 11?) we all left the bar and drove all over the city trying to find a place to do karaoke (no, I wasn't going to sing, folks; there's not enough vodka in Russia to make that happen). That was a major bust so a small group of us wound up at Monica's house playing Yahtzee (no, I wasn't really playing that either) and then outside to swing on the swingset. I do have to say that when you drink a lot of vodka and try to swing sometimes you fall off--it just happens, I guess. I got back to the hotel that night around 2:30--not bad.

Saturday was great from start to finish. After helping the "committee" set-up for the soiree for about an hour Lisa, Monica and I hit the Spa Paradiso at the historic Davenport Hotel for a little r 'n' r before our big event that evening. Lisa and Mo opted for a manicure, while I went in for a pedicure. It was pricey, but the best pedi ever! Once we were all relaxed the three of us headed back to my hotel room to chill some more before dolling up and hitting the town for the evening. The wine and beer were "free while supplies last" which I think was a very successful ploy for getting everyone there at a reasonable hour. We got there, mingled and I can personally attest to how great the wine was. I spent a lot of the evening talking to the same people as the night before, but it was great to have more time to catch up. They closed the shin-dig down at around 11 (way too early in my opinion) so, again, we went searching for karaoke (again, no guys, there's not enough wine in California to make me sing in front of anyone). This time we were more successful and stayed singing for a couple hours (not that I really remember) before the party broke up and a few of us: Tim, Clark and Jeremy wound up back at Jeremy's apartment to play some Texas Hold 'Em. Now, I know how to play's a lot of fun, but aside from watching "Celebrity Poker Showdown" twice I don't really get the whole Texas Hold 'Em craze. Luckily, because we were playing for money the boys were more than willing to show me the ropes. Turns out that I'm better than any of us bargained for because I kicked their asses and wound up winning. Lucky for them, I'm a nice girl, because I didn't take any of their money; I gave it all back. Damn I regret that already. Apparently I can't get drunk enough to sing, but I can get drunk enough to give up cash--that's really stupid.

Jeremy, Clark and I wound up watching a couple movies (though I know I passed out pretty quickly). At about 5:00 I think Jeremy got tired of us (who can blame him?) and kicked us out. He was so nice and drove me back to the hotel. When I got there I realized that I'd lost my key and had to talk to the guy at the front desk to get a replacement. I know I had to look like hell and it was 5:15 in the morning, but that was maybe the most embarassing part. "Oh, hi! I'm just getting in for the night and am clearly still drunk and need a replacement key." It was like the worst walk of shame in history--not that I'd really know about that. ;)

Sunday "morning" I woke up to try to make it to the "family picnic" at the prodding of Lisa and Mo and in retrospect I was still drunk, I'm sure. I chalked it up to a hangover and managed to get myself up and moving. I made it to the picnic, drank a ton of water and ate and felt a lot better. The rough part of this: somehow the night before I not only lost my room key, but also lost my sunglasses. The picnic was in a park. On an August afternoon. I drank a lot the night before. 'Nough said.

The picnic was fine, but poorly attended. It was mostly an opportunity for people to show off their children. It's just weird to see people you went to high school with ten years later as parents. Like it seems wrong in some way. Maybe that's because I'm a million years away from the whole family and kids thing, I don't know, but it was odd. Anyway... Mo and I went back to her place and I fell asleep on the couch for an hour or so (which was good), we went to dinner and then met-up with Lisa and Eric for some mini-golf (I got my ass kicked at that, sadly), then ice cream. It was a great way to end the weekend.

So, that's the play by play. My sincere apologies at the length of this post. I really thought I could get it out in less words, but once I started typing I just really couldn't figure out how to abbreviate. I'm sure it's quite boring for "all you readers" out there (all three of you), but this is a good way for me to preserve the moment, too.

I know everyone's probably tired of hearing it, but I really can't put into words how much fun it is to reconnect with people after such a long time. Perhaps it's because I moved so much as a kid and have never had "life-long" friends, but it's so great to see where everyone wound up and how they're doing. As I said to some friends last night, "I can't wait for the 20 year!" Gosh that's a frightening thought.

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