Tuesday, August 08, 2006



I have a cat who loves to chew. He chews on ribbon, sheets, blankets, sweaters, t-shirts and towels; he chews on anything and everything including my jeans, notwithstanding that I love him and am, for the most part, willing to tolerate his behavior.

I consider myself to be your average everyday jeans and t-shirt girl. I am most happy in a pair of well-worn jeans, a comfy t-shirt and a pair of Birkenstocks. Because I have a cat who has a propensity to chew and because I prefer to have my clothes on shelves, so I can see what I have, rather than having them in drawers where they're hidden, I have resigned myself to the fact that I'll have to replace certain items ocassionally. Not too long ago, Linus (the cat) decided to chew through a stack of jeans that were on the bottom shelf. It wasn't my whole collection, but it did include two of my favorite pairs. Because of that, and because I've now dropped enough weight that some of my clothes are bit baggy I have been on the hunt for a new pair of jeans. I don't want to put a lot of money into new clothes, but I decided one pair of jeans was warranted.

I've been searching for a long time for the perfect new pair of jeans. My favorite are the Gap Loose Fit, button-fly jeans, but when the Gap got all hoity-toity they stopped making that cut, I've yet to find something to replace them. I have settled several times for cheap Old Navy jeans, which, I decided, in this instance will suit me just fine, because they're cheap and because I hope that soon they too will be baggy.

I wore my new jeans today and I have to ask the question: is there anything better than wearing a brand new pair of jeans? I mean, seriously, they're not stretched out or faded, they fit they way they were intended. They're comfortable and classic. They make you feel good about yourself. I mean, truly, isn't a new pair of jeans better than being in-love? Okay, maybe not that good, but it's a close second.

OH this post has a special place in my heart. *sigh* I heart jeans.
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