Thursday, August 31, 2006


The Internet is For...

I'm a bit obsessive compulsive and have an addictive personality. I prefer to think of it as a personality quirk, not a character flaw.

On Tuesday I went to a sales meeting where the presenter showed a group of pie charts depicting the results of a survey of adults who were asked about their media consumption. One of the charts showed that nearly 53% of adults who had to choose between their Internet connection and access to a television would choose to keep their Internet over their TV. I thought this was remarkable, but then I got to thinking and realized that I'd actually respond that way myself.

My Internet habits tend to vary. I go through phases where I rarely log on at home and others when I can't seem to sign off. Currently, I'm stuck in a phase where all I think about is being online. I've been e-mailing everyone I know like mad and I keep coming up with what I think would be great blog topics. I Google whatever topic pops into my head in an attempt to learn more, look up recipes, or read the paper. But, mostly, I blame this current infatuation on the prolific site, My Space, which I can't seem to get away from.

My Space and I began our relationship a couple of years ago. It started out badly. I logged in once (to read something) and then never signed in again. A couple of months ago a random encounter caused me to re-examine our relationship and it didn't take long before I was hooked. It's like crack. You find one long lost friend and then spend hours digging through old yearbooks to see who else might be lurking just beyond the keyboard. I've chatted with friends who I tend to neglect and reconnected with people I haven't talked to in years. It's like my high school reunion all over again every time I log in to check bulletin posts or comments. I almost get butterflies in my stomach thinking about what I might sign on to see. Okay, it's not quite that bad, but I can see myself going there. And quickly. What with a personality like mine, it's all but guaranteed. Please don't encourage me by posting comments on this subject, it will only egg me on.

just saying hi. We have the same blog name. Great minds...

Chris from
Exit Stage-Left
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