Monday, July 31, 2006


Writer's Block

It seems that coming up with topics about which to post on this blog is not the only thing that gives me writer's block.

At work I refer to myself not as an "idea man," that title is reserved for my brilliant co-worker, Jen, but as an "implementation person." You come up with the idea and I can most definitely figure out how to make it work, but the ideas for me are few and far between. A couple months ago as I was proofing something at work and a minor grammatical error turned into a brilliant (okay, maybe not brilliant) idea for the Center Attractions '07 season brochure. Everyone in the office really liked the idea and so we're running with it. Because it was my idea and because I'm constantly begging for added responsibility my boss agreed that I could oversee the production and creation of said brochure...including writing the copy. This is a stretch for me; I'm exercising parts of my brain that I haven't really had a chance to use in quite awhile. My creative side is out of shape, and boy is it showing.

Now, most of the Broadway shows provide us with copy for each individual show, so there's not much writing required there, but I did have to craft the cover copy, the letter to subscribers, the subscriber benefits and now the piece I'm struggling with: the "season overview." I'm just not sure how to get started. Should it be in the third person, or the second person? Should it just be a regurgitation of all the information that they already have, or something completely new and different? I'm just not sure which direction to go...and the clock's ticking and I've got NOTHING! I technically have another couple of days to get this done, but I've found that writing in the office is really difficult for me. Between the phone ringing, the radio, my co-workers... it's all just a little too much distraction for me. I've discovered during this process that it's much easier to do it at home, late at night, while watching Keith Olbermann.

I think I might need to give up for now and head to bed. There's a storm coming in from the East and it's bound to be good sleeping weather---sleeping is way easier than writing. *sigh*

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