Sunday, July 09, 2006



Contrary to a widely-held belief Denver is actually very sunny. In fact, we have an average of 300 sun-filled days per year, one of the highest in the United States. It's also very dry in Denver, another diversion from stereotype. Sure, we get snow, but we rarely, if ever, develop the gray-brown stale drifts that are common in the upper midwest and northeast. One scientist once described Denver as a "desert in the sky"--I like this analogy.

July is typically very hot and VERY dry and June is typically our wettest month. This year, however, has been a-typical. It got hot, VERY hot, early and we've really lacked substantial rainfall over the last couple of months, contributing to the drought and also to our extreme wildfire danger. July sucks. I hate the heat, more than anything, and even though it's a dry heat, it's stiffling. July is miserable. August is not much better. That's why the last week, or so, of on again off again rain and a dramatic decrease in temperatures makes Molly one happy girl.

I was out of town last weekend, but apparently Monday night featured a lightning and hail storm that caused widespread damage. Tuesday it rained most of the evening, putting a damper on many fireworks displays and Wednesday-Friday evening it rained inconsistently, with some blotchy sunshine here and there. The temps were still in the 80's, but offered a welcome respite from the upper 90's typical this time of year.

With Friday evening came the rain. It was raining and raining and raining and much cooler (70's), which continued into Saturday...and Sunday. By the time I went for my walk this evening I felt like I could possibly be in Seattle. It's wet, cool (50's) and simply delightful. Even though I slept for about 12 hours last night (don't ask) I can hardly wait to curl up in bed with the cool breeze blowing in through the open window. I've got to soak it while it lasts (no pun intended), NPR tells me that temperatures will reach near 100 by Wednesday. *Sigh*

I'll never question those 12 hours of sleep nights. They're a beautiful thing...
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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