Thursday, July 06, 2006


Older Dream Men

I've always had sort of a "thing" for older men. Now, that doesn't mean that I date older men, sleep with older men, or even approach older men (hello, do you know me at all?!), it simply means that there's something about "older" men that I find attractive. I'm just talking about Robert Redford old, not George Burns old. Okay, that was a bad reference, because he's dead, but you know what I mean.

I bring this up because I had a strange dream that featured a rather high-profile, MUCH older man and me in a semi-romantic way (and, no, I'm not going to tell you who it was, because it's sort of embarassing). It was that kind of dream that sort of sticks with you. The kind that when you wake up you say to yourself, "was that real? Or, did I just dream that?" The kind where you almost wish you could go back to sleep and find out what happens. When I finally "came to" and really woke up I realized that this semi-romantic (no, it wasn't dirty or even sexual) dream was sort of creepy and I wondered from where it stemmed. So, I visited and looked up the meaning of "holding hands" with a "celebrity." From what I can figure out, I think the dream meant that I feel very connected to someone in my waking life that I'm idealizing into a person who resembles said celebrity. I still can't quite figure out who the person is that I'm "idealizing," but should I figure it out I'll be sure to let you know. To be clear, whatever the meaning, it was a weird dream and not something that I would ever think of in my waking life.

This brings up another interesting point. It seems as though I've been having increasingly strange dreams lately. Does anyone else ever have this problem? What's the deal?

I just blame my weird dreams on the meds. :)
I have a thing for older guys too!

Okay, when I first read this post I was excited about the similarity but now that I've written it in a comment it just sounds stupid and slightly stalkerish.

Anyway, about those crazy dreams, I have vivid and crazy dreams when I'm pregnant.
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