Saturday, July 01, 2006



I seem to lack any and all kinds of motivation on the weekend's. I roll out of bed late in the day, watch TV until mid-afternoon and then finally around 5, or so, I manage to get myself to the point where I can take a shower and run errands or do whatever else needs to be done around the house. It's not really an effective way to get anything done, but I guess somehow in my mind I've come to believe that after a week of work I deserve to have a day where I become least that's what I tell myself.

This Saturday is no different, though because my TV consumption today is consisting of this awesome special on the History channel about The Presidents I feel like I'm "learning" something and it's justified...again, I'll just keep telling myself that. But, today really is different, I really do need to get it in gear, because I'm heading out to Reno tonight to visit my mom for the weekend (Mike, if I haven't told you lately, thank you for the flight benefits, you make my heart happy) and will probably head into California for a day of driving and clearing my head. If I had any money I might spend some time in a casino, but because I'm eternally broke... well, I doubt that will happen, unless I do my usual of sitting at a nickel slot for hours on end with just $2. But, I digress.

I have a list of things to get done today before I leave, including: laundry, buying cat food, packing, looking at weather conditions and going to the bank. I need to leave for the airport no later than 7:00 tonight and I just got a call to join some friends for dinner at 5:30, so I really need to get a move-on... but we're only at Hoover and learning about "Black Tuesday"--how can I possibly get off the couch?

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