Sunday, July 16, 2006



I'm not a big fan of hot weather. I prefer blizzards to sun drenched skies and I prefer wool sweaters, socks and coats to tank tops, swimming suits and flip flops. I'm not a huge complainer about the heat, though I do make it known how little I think of it. I also think it's rather obscene that in a city where we have multiple 100 degree plus days a year air conditioning isn't more standard in homes.

The only times in my life where I've lived in the comfort of an air conditioned home is during the time I lived in the Midwest where not only does the heat scorch the earth, but where the humidity is suffocating. Many people who have not experienced the phenomenon that is Midwest humidity don't quite understand what I'm talking about. Now, I'm not discounting Northeast or Southern humidity, but midwest humid, is nothing to sneeze at. There you have to have air conditioning to be able to breathe at all. Humidity sucks. I know it and I'm grateful we don't have it here.

On the other hand, I get really upset (for lack of a better word) with the people who say things to me like, "I can handle the heat, it's the humidity that kills me." Having lived in both situations I won't argue with the fact that humidity is a killer, but dry heat is not a walk in the park either. Hot is hot and when it's 100+ degrees (as it has been here the past few days and no doubt will be for the few to come) it fucking sucks whether you've got the humidity, or not.

I bring this up, because as I sit here typing this post it is 12:30 am and still 78 degrees outside. A far cry from the 106 that registered in my car at one point today, but still far too warm for the middle of the night.

I would would like to be able to say that I'm now going to head off to get some sleep, but I know that this non-air conditioner owner will not be sleeping tonight. She'll be splayed out spread eagle on top of the covers, waiting patiently for the arrival of October.

Hey! You need your A/C back!! Can we drop it by tomorrow....because summer is hardly over!!! Let me know....
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