Tuesday, July 31, 2007



I can't sleep tonight, I've been tossing and turning for hours and I finally just got up in an effort to do something productive. I have been WAY too lax in my posting of late, and I apologize. Ironically there is a TON of stuff happening in my life, but nothing about which I feel comfortable writing publicly...at least not right now. I generally have very little trouble sharing personal details about my life with total strangers, but right now the things about which I have to write are of a sensitive enough nature that, work-wise, I feel it best to keep it confined to private gossip, rather than public. I'm generally not very good at restraint which is part of the reason I've chosen to not blog at all, rather than to blog and risk something slip out.

I'm sure that the desire to share much of what's going on is partly what's to blame in my lack of sleeping, for it's surely not for lack of exhaustion. One of my close friends, Erika, and her husband Zeke are moving to San Francisco. I spent the day at their apartment helping them to finish up their packing and loading the truck. I drew the line at cleaning their place for them, but Lord knows they sure needed the help in that department. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were still there, scrubbing the hard wood floors and wiping down the walls. Moving sucks. It just does.

On Thursday, my sister Jamie and my darling niece, Rebekah, will arrive for a short visit. On Friday, my Father, Step mom and little sister will arrive. I am preparing for a chaotic weekend, no doubt about it. I spent this past weekend cleaning my house from top to bottom. It was the kind of cleaning that every house needs every now and again, but we always feel to busy to actually achieve. My cleaning took nearly two days to complete, but now that it's done, I feel such a sense of accomplishment and I feel comfortable having company. Jamie and Rebekah will stay here and Jamie is probably the most anal-retentive person I know, hopefully I pass her test. One thing I know for sure, it could never be as bad as having to stay at my sister Joan's. Yikes! Clearly I have no problem at all talking about my family on my blog, why should I care about work?

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