Friday, July 31, 2009



Has it really been 18 month since I've written? I mean, really? Ugh. I'm a bad blogger. Sorry. No really. I am. Sorry.

In the past week, two of my once-loyal readers have reminded me that I used to write on a somewhat regular basis about my simple life climbing the ladder at work and in my simple life with my two cats. And I had "once loyal readers." And now, I actually have more interesting things to write about. Like the fact that I bought a house, got a neurotic dog and am getting married this fall and yet blog. So, Kyra and Tara, this is for you. I promise to make an effort to post on a more regular basis about all the goings-on in wedding planning land and ticket selling land and homeowner-ship land, etc.

So, stay tuned. More to come. Soon.

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